#FOXCITYCHALLENGE11AuntTomiechallengedecorFOXCITY Promohome & interiors
Auntie Tomie's Halloween Decor Challenge 2023 #FOXCITYCHALLENGE11
"As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the tranquil autumn evening, you found solace in the familiarity of your favourite, well-worn knitted socks, cocooning your toes in their comforting embrace. A gentle breeze whispered through the rustling leaves, carrying with it the earthy scent of fallen foliage.
Beside you, a steaming cup of cinnamon tea awaited, its fragrant tendrils mingling with the crisp, amber air. The world outside seemed to slow down, enveloping you in the serene ambiance of the golden hour.
Amidst this serene scene, your phone's familiar chime disrupted the tranquillity.
You picked up to find the soothing voice of your old aunt on the other end, her joyous greeting like a warm embrace from the past. It was in that moment, amidst the golden glow of autumn, that the comforting bonds of family and cherished memories rekindled, reminding you of the simple joys that life has to offer.
And she had a favour to ask of you..."
8 Oct - 8 Nov
*Please note this is not a FOXCITY blogger challenge. It is open to everyone*
*This challenge is not a blogger team call*
Do you enjoy decorating and storytelling? Do you love our La Villa release for Collabor88 October?
Then this challenge may be for you! Show off your decor skills and win prizes.
Please read through the following information before participating to avoid any confusion.
The FAQ:
🍂 Everyone is welcome to participate
🍂 You do not need to have a blog/be a blogger
🍂 You need a Flickr account to post your entry photo into our group
🍂You do not need followers, credentials, etc
The dos:
🍂 Your entry must incorporate our La Villa release (Light or Dark)
(*It should be clearly visible*)
🍂 You must take into account the theme and Aunt Tomie's story behind this challenge
(*You can make it serious, or funny, but do remember the theme*)
🍂 You do not need to include people/yourself in your entry, but you can if that is your vision
🍂 You have to make a significant difference to the decor of the La Villa porch for Halloween
(*A couple of pumpkins will not do!*)
Will you answer your aunt's call and lend your capable hands?
The prizes:
🍂 1st Place - 5k L$
🍂 2nd Place - 3k L$
🍂 3rd Place - 2k L$
🍂 4th Place - 1k L$ in FOXCITY Store credit
🍂 5th Place - 500 L$ in FOXCITY Store credit
What? Where? Who?
🍂 FOXCITY La Villa Backdrops (Light & Dark) are available at Collabor88 event (SLURL here),
The event is open between 8 Oct - 7 Nov. The challenge ends on the 8th of November.
🍂 Submit your #FOXCITYCHALLENGE11 entries to our Flickr group (link here)
Make sure you tag your entry with #FOXCITYCHALLENGE11
🍂 Winners will be announced on our official Flickr & Facebook business page, please avoid any scams and fake link registrations of any sort. We do not ask anyone to visit external sites.
🍂 A TOS reminder to backdrop sims/studios: it is against our Terms of Service to display our new releases during the event month.
The official links:
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